The Testimony of a Refugee II - que sera sera whatever will be will be
Film still -The Testimony of a Refugee-que sera sera whatever will be will be, 2018. High-definition single-channel video (color), 1/1 (Ed. of 1 + AP) / 6min.9sec., loop.
This work aims to capture the perilous journey undertaken by refugees fleeing their war-torn countries, and travelling across land and sea with the hope of reaching safe ground, and starting a new life. Leaving one's homeland is not easy, with family and possessions left behind. There is a feeling of helplessness, and a sense of being totally uprooted, as evidenced by the bare and dilapidated wooden sculpture on display. The route to safety is full of dangers, with a high risk of injuries along the way.
Various dimensions - cherry tree root, 16 amber resins, plywood, MDF, timber, screenprint on 5 acrylics, one-way mirror window film, high-definition monitor and player, headphone and school chairs. 2018
the Testimony of a Refugee I - question time
In Question Time, I investigate the spectacle of war as an observer, a director and an actor. My research focuses on the dissemination of space between a given spectator, the performance and the proscenium, both from a long-distance view and from a close-up angle.
'Pictures don't speak for themselves', said Susan Sontag. They need to have a context to ensure an appropriate interpretation. This context is what supports the image. The image can’t be understood without the necessary knowledge.
Cafe Gallery Project, London, 2018. Various dimensions - cherry tree root, plywood, nine amber resins, school chairs and panel lights